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GB Vets Magazine December 2024

July 2023 – GB Veterans Magazine Article – 5 questions

June 2023 – Honoured by England Squash Masters – Announcement by the England Squash Masters chairman Stuart hardy

World Masters – Wroclaw August 20022 – Seeded 1 going for 5th World Title – Unfortunately it was not to be – still playing the stupid short stuff – have not moved on much in 47 years – But still should not have lost the 5th from 9-5 up. But well done Michael Gough – he needed it more than i did.
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Pacemaker required in 2021 – subsequently diagnosed with heart failure and chronic kidney disease in 2023 and 2 bouts of covid did not help so writing inevitably on the wall – but disappointing – unfortunately led to ultimate retirement from competitive squash after another disastrous display in the 2024 National Championship – chasing 11th National Title.

World Masters 2006 – with Chris Stahl

World Masters Sheffield 2012

World Masters 2012 Sheffield – with ex World Champion Brian Phillips
World Masters Hong Kong 2104

World Masters 1999 Sheffield – lost in quarter final – stuffed by John Perrot
As an addendum Wright had the pleasure of playing Mo Khaifah 4 times in subsequent years – in the 1st and only Grand Prix Wright lost 3-2 at Wolverhampton in 2008 – Mo went on to beat Bradley and Clemson to win – In a British Open semi-final in London prior – this did lead to Wright’s 1st England selection in 1998, he also lost to Khalifah 3-1 – revenge came in 2012 at the World Championships when Wright won () and the British Open in London in 2015 () – so 2 all – a fine player and a nice Egyption

World Masters 2016 – Johanesburg

World Masters 2016 – Johanesburg
English Masters Chairman Martin Pearse rounds up the England players performance …
England Squash Masters proved yet again that they are the top Masters Nation in the World when they easily won the medals table in the World Masters Squash Championship in Johannesburg, South Africa.
England, with only 52 entrants – 80% of the top players did not travel – claimed 6 Gold Medals, 9 Silver and 3 Bronze, whilst host Nation South Africa, with well over 600 entrants and players in 10 finals, came away with just 3 Golds , 7 Silvers and 8 Bronzes.
Third was Australia with two Golds and two silvers and fourth were the USA and Ireland with two Golds each.
The inaugural Nations Cup was won by South Africa, but Masters Spokesman Robert Smith commented:
“As in cricket, where few can understand the Duckworth Lewis scoring method, the same analogy applies to the make up of how this Nations Cup decision was reached, in effect including all last 16 players contributing to a points based system.
“Be that as it may, we are proud yet again, to be the no 1 Masters Nation, not withstanding that many of our top players decided not to travel due to altitude and safety fears.”
Gold Winners
MO45 Nick Taylor, WO55 Karen Hume, WO60 Julie Field, WO70 Ann Manley,
MO75 Adrian Wright, MO80 Malcolm Gilham
Silver Medallists
WO35 Lauren Briggs, WO45 Andrea Santamaria, MO50 Yawar Abbas, WO55 Jill Campion, MO65 Ian Graham, M070 Guy Davies, WO70 Bett Dryhurst, MO80 John Woodliffe
Bronze Medallists
WO50 Zoe Durbach, MO70 Martin Pearse, MO80 Lance Kinder